mandag 27. juli 2009

not that much joy on the blog at the moment

i am sitting on a couch, chilling. today i've sleeped away the day like we all should those rainy summer days. after i woke up, i went for a jogg with my brothers. we jogged 1 norwegian mile, so now i'm kinda heavy in my legs and tired in my eyes. then i ate some komla for dinner.

at the moment i am not blogging very much, that is because my computer is sick and is laying on a hospital. it also because i don't do many extraordinary things at the moment. but, hopefully i will start blogging more often when i start going back to school.

tomorrow i am going to ungdommens landsmøte, or ul as we like to call it. so you cannot expect another blog before next monday, at least.

i wish you joy


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